First Trimester (what to expect/do in the first trimester)

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First trimester (what to expect/do in the first trimester)

Hey there! Congrats again on your pregnancy and starting your first trimester. Your first trimester starts at the first day of your last period to the end of week 12. What can you expect, do and look out for? well here’s a not so long but helpful list

1.Morning sickness

Doesn’t necessarily means you’ll only be sick in the morning or only in your first trimester which sucks. I don’t understand why they call it that. It can happen anytime of the day. It includes but not limited, vomiting and nausea. It’s a queasiness type of feeling which has your body feeling off. Things that helped me were whole grain toast and ginger ale. But if that’s not your thing you can simply ask your doctor for pills that help with morning sickness.

2.Bathroom Trips

When your pregnant your required to drink lots of water. Which means you’ll be using the bathroom a lot more. I’ve lost count on how many times I got up during the night to use the bathroom, going back to sleep wasn’t always easy. In your first trimester using the bathroom isn’t as bad as when you hit your 3rd trimester. Things that help was not drinking water after 8:30pm or if I did drink water id take my time and sip on it.

3.Rest More 

Trust me you’ll need it. You’ll notice that you’ve started feeling tired all the time which is fine it’s just apart of the pregnancy. So get all the rest you need no matter what time of the day it is. When I was pregnant I slept when I could no matter what time it was. In the first trimester is where you’ll get the best sleep after that it goes down hill unless u have a pregnancy pillow, your doctor will also tell you that your sleep is important.

4.Download a pregnancy tracker

I love having apps. The apps I used were “what to expect” and my hubby used ” pregnancy tracker” both were pretty good if you asked me. It helps you keep up with the size of the baby and so much more. My favorite part was having other mom’s share their stories and pictures. If your not really a phone person and your still into books. ” What to expect when you’re expecting” is a pretty good book, I used it for my first pregnancy.


Your hormones’ are mostly all over the place right now. Some might not want sex at all while other just want the damn thing all the time. For myself I was always wanting more, it’s like I couldn’t get enough especially in my first trimester. But either way have all the sex in the world right now if you want to. Don’t be scared sex is still healthy and okay to do.


This one is really important. Save, Save, Save. Kids are expensive from the time you push them to the very end. They’ll need clothes, pampers, wipes, food and so much more. And when it’s time to get all those things on your list the one thing you will need is that money. So let’s start saving you can even start off with as little as $5 dollars right now. But the earlier the better so let’s start saving in our first trimester if possible. 


I hope you’ve learned a thing or two about the first trimester of your pregnancy. Once again if you haven’t as yet please follow and pin me. God bless and have a good day.

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